Wednesday, August 19, 2009

1 new white cloud died... 3 left...

As the title says... 1 new white cloud died... not sure why and how it died... maybe couldn't get use to the new environment... sadly, this is only the sixth day in my tank... hopefully the others will survive longer...

Friday, August 14, 2009

Bought 3 new White Clouds

On 11Aug09, the last one to make it is the white cloud, all the other fishes died... i told myself earlier, i will buy more of the same type of fish to see if they can live well together and maybe survive longer... so... today (14Aug09), i bought 3 new white clouds... hopefully they all live happily together...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Something's wrong...

Something's wrong with my fish tank... 6 tetras have died over 3 days... had quite a good streak before that... think ultimately, the best way to keep the fishes alive is to cause minimal change to the tank... prior to that... when i increase the food supply, some die, then i decrease, then some die, then i put in some chemicals to improve the quality of water, somehow the next day, i saw clumps of mould like things appearing all over the tank on top of the sand... and more die... so I decided i'll do a major change... i removed all the sand, removed the plant, cleaned up the tank... after that 1 of the sick looking fish died, but on the good side, the remaining 5 looks ok... hopefully they'll remain well this way...

Monday, May 18, 2009

Corydoras died...

17May09 - the corydoras died... sigh... has been already 5 days without any fishes dying... maybe was because i increased the amt of food fed to them each time... maybe i shouldn't have done that... anyway changed it back to the original amt...hopefully it'll be better... might have to buy another corydoras to replace this one that died...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

1 white cloud and 1 male guppy died...

Sigh... 1 male guppy died in the morning and 1 white clould died when i came back after work... was it because i fed too much? I definitely set the feeder to too high a value... what works in 1 tank may not work for another one... a lot of food settled at the bottom of the tank...had to suck off the extra food on the sand by using a small pipe... then did a 40% water change...Then... did the earlier Male guppy died because I fed too little? Anyway decided to add a piece of card to the automatic feeder so that the amount of food per feeding is reduced by about 75%... hopefully this time round it works...

Monday, May 11, 2009

Last of the old guppies died yesterday...

Yesterday, the last of the first batch of old guppies died... was already quite sick the day before with redder than normal gills, which from the net seems to be caused by high ammonia levels... and the main cause of that seems to be over-feeding... will try to control that... guppy fry also died... sigh... whats left of my first batch of fish is now the 3 neon tetras...hopefully with the 6 new tetras, they have a higher chance of survival...

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Second time buying fishes

Bought more fishes today. Bought 6 Neon Tetras, 1 Male Guppy, 1 Female Guppy, 3 White Clouds, 1 Corydoras. According to the net, these fishes goes quite well together, incl. neon tetra, guppies, cherry barb, white cloud, black phantom tetras, dwarf gourami, corydoras cats, zebra danio and ram cichild.

All in all, I now have 9 Neon Tetras, 2 Male Guppies, 1 Female Guppy, 1 Guppy Fry, 3 White Clouds, 1 Corydoras.

Here's some pictures;

New Fishes in a plastic bag

New and Old Fishes in Tank


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Fifth day (07May09)

Evening: Sigh... 1 more neon tetra died... changed 50% water and added the Water Clarifier Solution... hopefully the rest will survive.. (Fish Count=5)

My Fish Tank currently

The fishes in the tank excl. the baby guppy

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Fourth day of new fish tank

Day 1: Bought Fish Tank + Filter + Automatic Feeder + LED Light + Food + 5 Male Guppies + 2 Female Guppies + 6 Neon Tetras (Fish Count = 13)

Day 2 Morning: Discovered 1 Guppy Fry but died when I tried to transfer it to a seperate bowl (Fish Count = 13)

Day 2 Evening: 1 Neon Tetra Jumped out of Tank, 2 Male Guppies died, discovered another Guppy Fry (Fish Count = 11)

Day 3 Morning: 1 Neon Tetra Died and 1 Male Guppy Died (Fish Count = 9)

Day 3 Evening: 1 Male Guppy and 1 Female Guppy Died, Bought new Automatic Feed + Water Clarifier + Food, Change 40% RO water (Fish Count = 7)

Day 4 2.30AM: 1 Female Guppy Died (Fish Count = 6)

Day 4 Evening: All fishes still there! Left 4 Neon Tetra, 1 Guppy Fry and 1 Male Guppy (Fish Count = 6)